Month: August 2020

Month: August 2020

Kirkus Reviews; Review of Walking in Love: Why and How?

A Christian meditation on living in the modern world. Miller, a former lay vicar in the Episcopal Church, begins her slim nonfiction book with simple questions that have concerned people of all faiths for millennia: “Why create us as flawed creatures and tell us how to live, knowing that we are not capable of carrying

Premium US Review of Books Review of Walking in Love:Why and How? reviewed by Carol Anderson, DMin, ACSW

“Suppose the creation is designed for us to look to the nonvisible reality within us and without us (which some call God) to complete us, to provide the wisdom, strength, and goodness that we lack.” In a book of 68 pages, the author, a former lay minister in an Episcopal church, outlines a path utilizing

Pacific Book Review of Walking in Love: Why and How? reviewed by Rae Capri

One of the most important things given to us, aside from the gift of life, is the gift of love and to love. The creation of God’s children was to have humankind take after the characteristic traits in His image. Not only are looks blessed upon us, but the capacity to embrace each other in